Tagged: Las Vegas

Mental Block

WARNING!!!  today’s post is going to consist of me whining about different things in my life and a lot of negativity.  Haven’t been feeling very optimistic lately.  I have been dealing with a serious case of mental block.  It feels like I have zero control over it and it’s holding me back.  I can’t find a way to complete a task and for some reason that’s driving me insane.  

Today I had planned to go out and run a hard 8-mile run with a local running group. But instead I decided to listen to the little voice of negativity in my head and didn’t go hard.  Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoyed the run.  I got to talk to some of the guys in the group and had a pretty good time, but the problem is that my goal for the day was to run hard and see where I’m at.  It felt like I wasted a workout.

I feel like running should be helping me release stress and with all the other positive things people say running helps with.  But in reality that’s not the way things are going.  Running sucks! and is making me feel miserable. I guess I forgot how hard I have to work and how long it takes to get faster. When I got back to it I came with the wrong mentality. I wasn’t expecting it to take me this long to gain some of the speed/endurance I once had.  I’m not even close to being in shape and I’m already feeling burned out.  I know, I know…I need to stop being a pussy about it. just do the work and wait for the results to come.

Next thing I want to whine about is music.  I was super pumped to see Young the Giant for the first time ever.  Well, I was disappointed with their performance. They were out of sync.  At some points it sounded like they never played together before.  Usually that happens when members are drunk/high or haven’t played together very much.  That wasn’t their case, they didn’t look drunk or high and they have been playing together for awhile so I don’t know what happened there. Maybe I should consume way more alcohol next time…  In a positive note I will be watching The Smashing Pumpkins tonight and I can’t wait for them to play some real music.  

The next thing in the list: no other than this blog.  I tried posting something the last two days and had no luck.  I knew what I wanted to write about but couldn’t put it together.  I know I don’t have to update it everyday but nothing pisses me off more than not being able to type what I have on mind.  It seems like I have it all figured out and then POW!! its all gone.   

Well, have an amazing weekend and don’t let my negativity rub off on you. 

Running Buddy

I have been looking for a mofo crazy enough to be my running buddy for almost two months without luck.  I don’t even have high standards.  I don’t care if he/she is fast or slow as long as he/she can cover the distance.  Actually, now that I think about it, I do have a list of qualities a running buddy should have. 

What do I look for when trying to find a running buddy?  Well, I look at a lot of things.. 

1.  Numero uno is the most important one.  He/she has to be crazy enough to listen to me talk during the entire run.  I’m not kidding about this one.  I can and will talk the whole way.  I sometimes listen but most of the times I am the one doing most of the talking.   

2.  My running buddy has to be comfortable with me burping and occasionally farting.  My body likes to get rid of gas when I run.  I guess that’s a normal thing every runner goes through.  The only difference is that I’m a strong believer of: “Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine and into your brain. That’s where shitty ideas come from…” so I release everything.

3.  He/she has to be comfortable to call me out when I occasionally change the pace.  I don’t know why I do it.  Something inside me triggers and I start running a little faster than what we are supposed be running.  I do appreciate it when someone calls me out on it right away. It saves me from feeling like crap a mile or two later. Jacob is pretty good at calling me out.

4.  Headphones?  You better not even think about it. I would round kick the crap out you.  I don’t understand why people do that.  I find it sad when I see a group of people running and instead of having a conversation they are listening to whatever crap is coming from their headphones.

5.  He/she better have a sense of humor.  I’m pretty immature and most of the times I say whatever is on my mind.  If you are easily offended there is a chance we won’t work out.  If you trip and fall expect me to laugh about it while giving you a hand up.  Pretty much be able to laugh at yourself and don’t get butt hurt when something silly happens.

6.  Be positive.  Running is hard enough so don’t bring your negativity.  Be positive and be happy with your progress. Even if you trained all year long and only got a couple of seconds faster.  Progress is progress…

7.  This one is pretty important.  Be on time.  If for some reason you are not going to make try to let me know in advance so I don’t waste my time waiting for you to show up.  Something that rustles my jimmies is when I don’t get my run done in the morning because we are supposed to run later in the evening and the mofo cancels at the last minute.  It gets me every freaking time.

8.  Don’t race me.  We are supposed to be running together not racing each other.  Nothing kills a workout more than someone who always wants to be one step ahead.  It freaking blows my mind and probably will earn you a whack behind the head (notsrs).

I can’t think about more qualities so I’ll end it here.  Anyone wants to  be my running buddy?


Yesterday I went to meet my nephew Shane.   He is the cutest little guy I ever seen.  I can already tell that he is going to be a ladies man.  He also likes to sleep and eat a lot.  I didn’t get to hold him because I have never hold a baby before and didn’t feel comfortable.  Practicing with a newborn seems a little dangerous.   

Here is a video of little Shane having hiccups earlier that day.  


Uncle Sergio!

Well, tonight is an amazing night.  I’m officially an uncle.  I’m pretty pumped about it.  Can’t wait for the day he starts calling me Uncle Sergio.  It rolls off the tongue.  It sounds just right.  To him and the future generations of Foxes my first name is now Uncle and my middle name is Sergio.  I can already tell that Shane Fox will be leading the next generation of Foxes to great things.

Congratulations to Charlie (brother) and Megan (sister in law).  They have been waiting for Shane to make an appearance for months.  I know they are overjoyed right now.   Going to sleep with a huge smile on my face tonight.  I will be paying him a visit tomorrow 🙂 


Career Awareness

Yesterday at work I got approached by an Internist and he asked me if I could help him with a “project” later on.  According to him “some little kids are coming to learn about the hospital”.  The first thought through my mind was “Little kids?  Maaaaaaan!  I can talk to little kids for days”.  But in reality I wasn’t excited about it.  Don’t get me wrong, I love kids but for some reason I wasn’t feeling it.   I didn’t say no because I didn’t think I could.  So I said yes and hoped that my supervisor would say no since we were pretty busy.  Before I finished asking her she said “Yes, I was the one who put you down as a volunteer”.  Man, that wasn’t the answer I was looking for.

Couple of hours later the kids come through the door.  I was expecting some little kids with leftovers from breakfast all over their mouth and apple juice stains on their shirts.   Nah, instead I had to help guide some high school seniors through the hospital.  I could easily tell that they were super excited to be here because of the way most of them were glued to their phones.   Nothing surprises me anymore.  It seems like kids nowadays don’t have any respect for anyone.  Luckily for me the Internist I was helping doesn’t like being disrespected so he just asked them to put it away or they could step outside.  He went ahead and did the tour part with the kids and came back to the meeting room with all of them.  That’s when I found out that I was supposed to go in there and have a chat with them. Answer their questions and just give them some tips.

I walked in the room and surprisingly they were all quiet and were ready to listen.  For those of you who don’t know me, I have zero problem talking to people. I love talking, if I could get pay to talk I would do it.  So I just went in and did what I had to do.  I asked the kids if they had any questions and to my surprise about five hands went up in the air.  They asked questions ranging from parties in college to the path I took to get to graduate school.  They just wanted to know more about what the future holds for them.  The things they should prepare for and see how things work around the medical world.  Obviously not all of them want to be in the medical field but I do hope that the little chat we had inspires them to continue their education past high school.  I do believe that professionals and older students like myself can inspire at least one or two kids to hopefully get a degree and start a career.  Also a big shout to whoever came up with the idea of a career awareness field trip.  You da man!

67 Facts About O.K.

I originally tried to come up with one hundred facts but that didn’t go the way I planed.  It is harder than it looks.  

1. I smile all of the time.  

2. I hate driving around town.  All of the going and stopping makes me feel anxious. 

3. I love driving long distances. 

4. I’m incredible optimistic about what the future holds. 

5. I like reading inspirational novels. (damn you Lance I really liked your book

6. I have the worst table manners ever.  I use my hands instead of silverware a lot of the time. 

7. I got burned when I was young buck learning how to walk.  As a result I have the coolest scars on my arms.

8. I like to make up stories when people ask me what happened to my arms.  I have so many stories going around that sometimes even I get confused.

9. I am an asshole.  An ex gf once called me a narcissistic asshole during an argument. I was confused why she was describing me so I took it as a compliment.  

10. I plan to become a millionaire.  Who doesn’t…right? 

11. Not a big fan of technology.  I’m still trying to understand why people buy every new gadget that comes out.  

12. I chew my nails.  Especially when I’m watching games that I care about.

13. I broke both of my knees jumping from the roof of the house when I was eleven.  

14. I brush my teeth in the shower.

15. I can’t sleep with socks on and find people who sleep with socks on disgusting.

16. I always have to have two or more conversations going on at the same time.  

17. I love big crowds of people. 

18. I don’t get mad easily, I just laugh it off.

19. I don’t like wearing shorts.  I’m that guy who wears pants when is 110+ outside.

20. Dark Ale and Amber Ale are my beers of choice.  But free beer is free beer lol 🙂

21. I prefer my beer warm.

22. I don’t like clowns. My sister used to force me watch Pennywise when I was younger and for some reason the fear never went away.  

23. I never wear flip-flops unless I’m wearing a bathing suit.

24. This is my favorite number.  

25. I rarely clean my room but when I do…I don’t. 

26. I once sharted my pants while on a first date.  She later became my gf. 

27. I am not a picky eater.  

28. I am a Jack of all trades and a master of none. 

29. I started getting grey hairs when I was twenty four .  Now they are all over the place. 

30. I like buying books from thrift stores.  They have some good books for cheap. 

31. My right pinky finger is shorter than the left one. 

32. I have been in college since I was eighteen and I still don’t know my student ID number. 

33. I don’t have a favorite color.

34. Las Vegas is my home and I love everything about it including the heat. 

35. I don’t apologize but when I do, I mean it. 

36. I have never lost a fight.  

37. I considered myself the worst writer in WordPress.

38. Do you even grammar?  What the fuck is grammar? How does one acquire grammar? 😀

39. I’m usually always late. 

40. I hate paying for overpriced food.  Main reason why I don’t like going to food festivals.

41. I only wear black or caki? khaki color jeans.  Dark blue makes an appearance every once in awhile. 

42. I love swimming in water bodies.  I hate swimming in pools. 

43. I can’t remember the last time I cried.

44. I don’t like eating at McDonalds but when I do I order form the dollar menu. 

45. I used to think that Japandroids were the best band in the universe.  I still listen to them though….no shame! 

46. My no filter personality usually gets me in trouble with the ladies.

47. I can’t figure out how to use photoshop.  I know the lyrics to Elvis “Viva Las Vegas” by heart. 

49. I don’t care about fashion, if I like it I wear it.   

50. I hate talking about running with non runners. 

51. Hockey is my favorite sport to watch followed by football and college basketball. 

52. I hate riots. I don’t understand why people enjoy acting like animals destroying and stealing everything they can get their hands on. There are different ways to demonstrate your support.   

53. Punk music is my cup of tea. 

54. I got drunk for the first time when I was twelve.

55. I broke my head open the night I first got drunk.

56. My mother spanked me for the first time in my life the day after. 

57. I refuse to get my teeth whitened. 

58. I feel like I know the authors of my favorite blogs in real life.  

59. Z from “I Prefer Deep Blues and Sea Foam Greens” is my favorite blogger.  I like her writing style and how she always manages to make things like “math” funny.  Thanks to her I feel self conscious when I enter through the exit door at the grocery store.  

60. I can’t figure out how to use photoshop.

61. Spent five hours trying to make a logo for my blog on photoshop.   I’m still wondering where do I get my five hours back?  

62. Coffee is my drink of choice nowadays. 

63. These are my most favorite pictures from mexico.  This one pretty much sums the whole trip up.  Drinks and smiles all the way until the end. 


A group picture of all the dudes.The dudes

64. My mother thinks I’m an alcoholic because of my excessive drinking in Mexico.  Can’t say no to all you can drink. 😀

65. I just realized that I forgot to post about the Mexico trip. 

66. I am very easily distracted. 

67. I can’t come up with one hundred facts so I’m going to change the title of this post. 

Rock in Rio USA

Well, my day just got even better.  I was looking online at the Deftones tour calendar to see if they were going to stop by Las Vegas anytime soon when I stumble upon Rock in Rio USA.  I remember reading and hearing about it but I didn’t think much about it because the paper said something about Taylor Swift being the headliner so that ruled the festival out of my mind.   But today I found out that Metallica, Deftones and Coheed and Cambria are playing on it.  I have seen them all live before so I know that they are worth the $300 ticket.  For a festival like this one tickets are going to sell out quick so I better get mine soon.  Christmas is around the corner so might as well get myself a nice present 😉  I personally can’t wait to see the chaos that the festival is going to create.  The Strip is going to be packed after the shows are over.  ohhh God… I love living in Las Vegas.

It looks like I’m getting lucky when it comes to the bands coming to town this year.  I will be going to watch Young The Giant, Bush and Smashing Pumpkins all in one weekend.  I can’t think of a better way to say goodbye to 2014.   Glad to see that some of the bands I grew up listening to are still playing.  It makes me feel like a kid again 🙂


Still going…

It’s been awhile since the last time I visited WordPress.   Many things have happened since the last post.  The school semester ended about two weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier about it.  Don’t get me wrong, I love school but after all these years I can’t wait for it to be over.  I feel like every semester keeps getting longer and longer… 

I also started training for The Zion Half Marathon with Jeremy (Coach from LVR).  I’m glad that I decided to get back to it.  Its been a long time since the last time I actually enjoyed going out for a run and I couldn’t be happier.  Having a training program, a cool group of  people to run with and the best coffee in town has made running easier and enjoyable.  Never thought I would be the kind of person who would be up at 5:00 a.m. just to go running.  That goes to show how things change as we get older.  Here is a picture of Jacob and I after a run with a local running group.  I love the route they have, a little challenging at the moment but it should be a piece of cake soon. Jacob and I Had an amazing Thanksgiving with the family.  Nothing like having the whole family together to enjoy a delicious meal.  Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday because of the family aspect of the holiday and we also do secret Santa on that day 🙂   We all forgot about it this year.  I don’t know how it happened but it did 😦   

I have been working on my thesis more than I thought I would.  The amount of research required to acquire the knowledge to write it is more than I bargain for.  My goal is to get it done by the end of January so I can have someone look at it before I turn it in.  I like the progress so far and I hope I don’t run out things to write about anytime soon 🙂    I also been noticing tremendous progress in my mediation.  Time is one of the reasons I say that.  When I first started I couldn’t do five minutes.  As of now I can do over thirty minutes easily.  Times fly when I’m mediating and I don’t think much about it anymore.

Well, I’m going to read some of my favorite blogs to see what I missed.  Have an amazing night!  


I still remember the day The Fast And The Furious first came out.  I was a twelve year old who dreamed of doing the crazy stunts that they did in the movie. My favorite scene is when they first line up to race on the first movie.  My hands still sweat when I think about it 🙂  Just like most of the people I know, I became a fan right before the credits started rolling.  My friends and I couldn’t stop talking about it. I remember getting in trouble for watching videos at school of some kids trying the stunts from the movie.  I guess many people died trying to replicate the impossible, Luckily by the time I got my driver license I had a little more common sense and never tried to do anything stupid (other than speeding of course). That movie bonded me with my friends even more. I had a friend who thought that the Fast… movies were stupid and unrealistic but I know that deep inside he enjoyed watching them because he was always standing in line when the time to watch the newest one arrived.  When I was a Junior in high school Paul Walker bought a house in my neighborhood and my friends and I would always try to see if we could talk to him.  I never had the chance but I know some who did and took pictures with him.  I’m still a little jealous….  

Earlier today they released the Fast 7 trailer and I can’t wait for opening day.  Kind of sad that it will be going to be the last Fast… movie ever made.