
I woke up this morning to a notification from WordPress. I guess the time to pay the annual fee is around the corner. That reminded me that its been awhile since the last time I posted something on here. I can think of plenty of excuses for my disappearance from the blogging world. But in reality the main reasons I haven’t been around are laziness and lack of drive. I have been thinking about chancing my blog and making it a little more fun to use. Any ideas? 

I hope you guys are having fun and enjoying the blogging world as much as I once did. Will be thinking about the changes I need to make in order to get hooked once again. Have a wonderful day!

The Christmas Tag

I usually never do any of the tags or “blogger awards” posts.  But since Christmas is around the corner, I decided to do it for the first time.  Plus I couldn’t say no to Nad since she is the one always helping me with “technology issues”.

1. What is your favorite Christmas film? 

Ha, I can’t choose one so I’m going to pick two out of the list.

Elf and The Grinch are the two of my most favorite Christmas movies.  Pretty funny movies. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like them.

2. Have you ever had a White Christmas?

No that I remember.  I don’t think I have ever seen snow during Christmas day.  To me that’s a good thing because the last thing I want is to freeze during Christmas day.

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

I always go back home.  Not that I have to travel far since home is only fifteen minutes away.  Usually all my brothers and sisters are there.  Mom and dad always cook a bunch of food so we just stay at home and eat and drink (not alcohol) like kings.

4. What is your favorite Christmas song?

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

It varies.  But since we started doing “Secret Santa” we started opening them on Christmas Eve.  Just too many people to try to hold back from opening their presents.

6. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?

Yes, who doesn’t know “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer” song?

7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?

Just getting together with the family.  That’s what the holidays are for.

8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

I don’t have a Christmas tree at my place but if I did the mofo would be real. I don’t have time for fake things in my life 😆 The tree at my parents place is always real.  My mom is a little weird though.  She likes to throw it away right after Christmas is over.

9. What is your all-time favorite holiday food/sweet treat?

My favorite meal has to be my dads Lasagna with Italian sausages.  I can eat that meal for the rest of my life and never get tired of it…just fat.

10. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?

Receiving of course.  Giving sucks!  First you have to break your head trying to figure out what they want, then you have to worry about if they like or not.  That’s too much work, I’ll be a receiver any day.

11. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

I don’t know… Probably one of the many toys I got when I was a kid.

12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?

I would like to spend the holiday season in a beach down in Mexico or Belize.  That seems like great place to be during the holidays. No snow to worry about and can relax all day.

13. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?

I’m a pro.  I just throw it on a bag, staple the top and put a name tag on it 😆

14. Most memorable Holiday moment?

Every Christmas has been memorable.  Every year something memorable happens and it seems like the trend is going to continue.  This year we welcome a new member to the family so I know for a fact that he will be the memorable part of this year.

15. What made you realize the truth about Santa?

I think I always knew that he wasn’t real.  You can’t fool me!

16. Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?

Hahaha yeah and fail miserable couple of hours later.  This year I don’t think I’m making any since I already now the results 😆

17. What makes the holidays special for you?

The family part of things.  I love hanging with my family more than anything.  I could care less about the presents or material side of the holidays.

18. What do you wish for Christmas this year?

I wish for the Colts to win a Superbowl and for the rebels to make it to the dance.  Come on! Is that too much to ask?

19. Favorite Christmas smell?

The smell of the lasagna coming out of the oven 🙂

20. What is the worst/weirdest gift you ever got?

When I was a freshman in college we did a gift exchange with my teammates and someone gave me a pair of rain boots.  I couldn’t stop laughing at the idea that someone gave me rain boots.

21. Favorite holiday drink?

Idk… I don’t think I have a favorite drink but if I had to choose I’ll take a nice cold NewCastle.

22. Have you ever spent Christmas in another country? If yes, which one(s)?

Yes, I spent Christmas in Guatemala when I was younger.  I was born in Guatemala.

23. What place/landmark in your town do you love during Christmas?

My parents house.  But if we are talking about public places I would have to choose Red Rock.  Nothing like a nice run in Red Rock before eating like a pig.

24. Were you naughty or nice this year? You know that Santa is watching *smirks*

Both, I would have to say that I was a little more naughty this year than usual, but overall I wasn’t that bad. I guess we learn as we go along.

Mental Block

WARNING!!!  today’s post is going to consist of me whining about different things in my life and a lot of negativity.  Haven’t been feeling very optimistic lately.  I have been dealing with a serious case of mental block.  It feels like I have zero control over it and it’s holding me back.  I can’t find a way to complete a task and for some reason that’s driving me insane.  

Today I had planned to go out and run a hard 8-mile run with a local running group. But instead I decided to listen to the little voice of negativity in my head and didn’t go hard.  Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoyed the run.  I got to talk to some of the guys in the group and had a pretty good time, but the problem is that my goal for the day was to run hard and see where I’m at.  It felt like I wasted a workout.

I feel like running should be helping me release stress and with all the other positive things people say running helps with.  But in reality that’s not the way things are going.  Running sucks! and is making me feel miserable. I guess I forgot how hard I have to work and how long it takes to get faster. When I got back to it I came with the wrong mentality. I wasn’t expecting it to take me this long to gain some of the speed/endurance I once had.  I’m not even close to being in shape and I’m already feeling burned out.  I know, I know…I need to stop being a pussy about it. just do the work and wait for the results to come.

Next thing I want to whine about is music.  I was super pumped to see Young the Giant for the first time ever.  Well, I was disappointed with their performance. They were out of sync.  At some points it sounded like they never played together before.  Usually that happens when members are drunk/high or haven’t played together very much.  That wasn’t their case, they didn’t look drunk or high and they have been playing together for awhile so I don’t know what happened there. Maybe I should consume way more alcohol next time…  In a positive note I will be watching The Smashing Pumpkins tonight and I can’t wait for them to play some real music.  

The next thing in the list: no other than this blog.  I tried posting something the last two days and had no luck.  I knew what I wanted to write about but couldn’t put it together.  I know I don’t have to update it everyday but nothing pisses me off more than not being able to type what I have on mind.  It seems like I have it all figured out and then POW!! its all gone.   

Well, have an amazing weekend and don’t let my negativity rub off on you. 

What she really means…

And this post proves my point. Women are so complicated…


Wow so you named your blog the decoder and it’s taken you four bloody months to actually decode something. About time isn’t it?

Well you know what they say – good things come to those who wait -here’s six of the most-used phrases of the female population accompanied by a male-friendly definition. Enjoy.

  1. I’m fine’If you have ever believed a woman who has informed you she is fine it’s a miracle that you even have a girlfriend. No female has ever uttered those words and genuinely meant it. It is an excuse – a polite way of telling you that you have pissed her off. So please take the hint, leave her to cool off and do not question her like you’re the Spanish Inquisition.
  2. It’s not you it’s me’ Drum roll please. It is you. You have screwed up and now you’re left with…

View original post 362 more words

Running Buddy

I have been looking for a mofo crazy enough to be my running buddy for almost two months without luck.  I don’t even have high standards.  I don’t care if he/she is fast or slow as long as he/she can cover the distance.  Actually, now that I think about it, I do have a list of qualities a running buddy should have. 

What do I look for when trying to find a running buddy?  Well, I look at a lot of things.. 

1.  Numero uno is the most important one.  He/she has to be crazy enough to listen to me talk during the entire run.  I’m not kidding about this one.  I can and will talk the whole way.  I sometimes listen but most of the times I am the one doing most of the talking.   

2.  My running buddy has to be comfortable with me burping and occasionally farting.  My body likes to get rid of gas when I run.  I guess that’s a normal thing every runner goes through.  The only difference is that I’m a strong believer of: “Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine and into your brain. That’s where shitty ideas come from…” so I release everything.

3.  He/she has to be comfortable to call me out when I occasionally change the pace.  I don’t know why I do it.  Something inside me triggers and I start running a little faster than what we are supposed be running.  I do appreciate it when someone calls me out on it right away. It saves me from feeling like crap a mile or two later. Jacob is pretty good at calling me out.

4.  Headphones?  You better not even think about it. I would round kick the crap out you.  I don’t understand why people do that.  I find it sad when I see a group of people running and instead of having a conversation they are listening to whatever crap is coming from their headphones.

5.  He/she better have a sense of humor.  I’m pretty immature and most of the times I say whatever is on my mind.  If you are easily offended there is a chance we won’t work out.  If you trip and fall expect me to laugh about it while giving you a hand up.  Pretty much be able to laugh at yourself and don’t get butt hurt when something silly happens.

6.  Be positive.  Running is hard enough so don’t bring your negativity.  Be positive and be happy with your progress. Even if you trained all year long and only got a couple of seconds faster.  Progress is progress…

7.  This one is pretty important.  Be on time.  If for some reason you are not going to make try to let me know in advance so I don’t waste my time waiting for you to show up.  Something that rustles my jimmies is when I don’t get my run done in the morning because we are supposed to run later in the evening and the mofo cancels at the last minute.  It gets me every freaking time.

8.  Don’t race me.  We are supposed to be running together not racing each other.  Nothing kills a workout more than someone who always wants to be one step ahead.  It freaking blows my mind and probably will earn you a whack behind the head (notsrs).

I can’t think about more qualities so I’ll end it here.  Anyone wants to  be my running buddy?

Lost and Found!

I was going through a bunch of old crap looking for my high school diploma when I found an old cd I made when I was in seventh grade.  I remember making the cd when I was in computer class.  Almost every kid made a cd for their parents or their crush.  I did the only smart thing and made it for myself 😆  It was the first cd I ever made.  It has eleven songs from Bad Religion, System Of A Down, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, Social Distortion, Flogging Molly and Rage Against The Machine.

I used to listen to this song from Flogging Molly all of the time.  I remember discovering the song the day I broke my wrist playing soccer.  I went to the hospital and the doctor was playing the “Alive Behind the Green Door” album and I became a fan instantly. Flogging Molly became the first and only “Irish Punk” band I like.  Dave King is a bad ass vocalist who knows how to get the crowd pump.  I would like to see them live again.  Its been over six years since the last time I saw them.  Do any of you guys remember this song?

7x7x7 Rubik’s Cube

Holy mother of Jesus…  I guess there is a huge Rubik’s cube that puts the ones I posted about to shame.  I can’t believe there is someone out there who can complete it in less than three minutes.  


According to this Youtube video the world record is 2:39.41.  That’s insane.   I can’t even complete one side of the original 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube in that little amount of time.  I wish I was as cool as Lin Chen.  I bet he gets all the ladies 😆